Prof. Msc. Ítalo

Podólogo e Posturologista

81 3090-2205

Av Frei Matias Teves, 280 - Sala 218- Ilha e Leite Recife / PE

Prof. Msc. Ítalo Batista Ventura

Prof° Pod. Msc. Ítalo Ventura. Formação superior em podologia (UAM); Especialista em Nutrição (AVM); Especialista em Docência (SENAC); Mestre em Saúde Pública (UPE). Docente na Universidade Maurício de Nassau. Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia.

Diabetic foot - what is it, symptoms and prevention

Diabetic foot - what is it, symptoms and prevention

  • 17 Sep

Today's topic is diabetic foot, do you know this disease?


The name already gives the hint, the diabetic foot...

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Corns and calluses: what to do to stop this problem?

Corns and calluses: what to do to stop this problem?

  • 17 Sep

Are you having trouble getting rid of your corns and calluses?

Corns and calluses are more than just an aesthetic nuisance and ca...

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Why do elderly people and diabetics have more mycoses and are they more difficult to treat?

Why do elderly people and diabetics have more mycoses and are they more difficult to treat?

  • 17 Sep

Did you know that ringworm in the elderly and diabetics is more common?


Nail ringworm in the elderly and dia...

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